
Thursday, October 25, 2007

Confused about graphic design job descriptions?

Confused about graphic design job descriptions?

Well step no further, as Design : Talkboard takes you through the maze of job titles and graphic design careers specifications. Soon, you too could have a fancy name on your business card and an impressive title on your door!

Are you new to design? A graphic design student looking for jobs or career advice? Or a professional graphic designer trying to further your prospects? Perhaps you are confused about the various job descriptions and design career specifications in the creative industry? On the other hand, maybe you are just trying to work out what to put on your business card?

Well, never fear, because help is at hand. The following is the Design : Talkboard primer of the specifications and roles of some of the many varied job descriptions that you may come across in, what can be loosely described as, the design industry.

We can't promise that every description will be identical for every single graphic design company - jobs and roles can vary dramatically between companies - but they will pretty close. Some design agencies will only have one or two Art Directors and a team of Artworkers implementing their ideas. Whilst others may have a ‘flatter' company structure, where everyone (in theory) has input into the design process.

Some of these job titles also vary depending on the country, so it's worth bearing that in mind when looking for advice on a design career. And it's also worth remembering that the industry is constantly changing. In particular, ever since graphic designers have been involved in the interactive and web design industry, most creative job descriptions have had to be re-evaluated several times. But that's the subject for another discussion – watch this pace.

Anyway, let's press on. This article will cover the following job descriptions;

Posted By You can see my Online work (Graphic/Multimedia/ WebDesigner):

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